Being pet owners, we all require a furry friend who is healthy and happy. Exercise plays a necessary role in achieving healthy goals. Dog Exercises not only keep your pet physically fit but also stimulate mental health, foster good behavior, and improve the bond.



dog exercises

In this blog, we have explored the best Dog Exercises for pets to keep them engaged and active. To transform your pet’s life, explore the power of exercise here.

Exercise you must consider for your furry baby-

  • Squats-

When it’s all about the glutes you are targeting, the squats might be the right exercise. The same goes for your pet. Squats target the pet’s hamstrings and quads. Ask your pet to sit, and hen right before your pet’s bottom is about to touch the floor, cue your pet to stand up. If your pet sits and relaxes completely, they will probably stand up by pulling themselves instead of utilizing their back leg muscles to push themselves up.

  • Walking

No matter what is your pet’s age, which breed they are walking to few miles is the best way to foster their well-being. Puppies are not able to perform all sizes of exercise, so regular walking is safe for them. Rather than the usual walk, go for the scent-led walk. This is good for your pet’s mental health. Based on a study by Cornell University, lengthening the dog’s routine walk by 10% can help them with weight loss.

  • Sidestepping-

It is not the natural movement for any pet, so you might be required to give treats to your pup to complete this exercise. Sidestepping offers multiple benefits for pets with patella luxation. Ask the pet to stand perpendicularly in front of you. Now, walk slowly into their body side until they sidestep with the back and front legs. You can motivate them to do so by giving them treats.

  • Walking backyards-

You need to set up the narrow tunnel for the lower-body exercise of the dog. If you want to exercise with your pet at home, then moving the couch slightly away from the wall can work. Start by luring the pet into the tunnel & rewarding them. Start walking into them. Some pets sit rather than walk in the backyard.

  • Swimming

Swimming is also an ideal Dog Exercise for those who have arthritis. All pets can benefit from muscle strength by swimming and cardiovascular exercise. Not every pet knows how to swim, so always take proper safety precautions, like letting your pet wear a lifejacket. If you have queries about your pet’s ability to swim, talk with the vet before going for this activity.

  • Pet Yoga practices

Yoga practices for pets have become popular in recent years. It not only promotes your pet’s health & wellness but also strengthens the bond with you. It fosters the connection between you and your pet. It is good to incorporate yoga routines to promote their overall well-being.

In conclusion, to keep your pet’s muscles active, it is necessary to keep their mind active. Offer them a variety of toys, like puzzle games, to engage their mind and body.

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